Is it okay to give my baby finger foods during Baby Led Weaning?

By Sarah Keim | Published on 2021-10-01

Are you considering introducing finger foods to your baby during Baby Led Weaning? If so, you're not alone! Many parents are turning to Baby Led Weaning as a way to introduce solid foods to their little ones. But is it really okay to give your baby finger foods? In this article, we'll explore the benefits and risks of giving your baby finger foods during Baby Led Weaning, so you can make an informed decision. So, let's get started!

An image of a happy baby sitting in a high chair, reaching out to grab a piece of steamed broccoli from a plate. The baby is wearing a bib and is surrounded by other healthy finger foods such as slices of avocado, banana


Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is a popular way of introducing solid foods to babies. It involves allowing babies to feed themselves with finger foods, rather than spoon-feeding them purees. This approach has many benefits, such as allowing babies to explore different tastes and textures, and encouraging them to develop their fine motor skills. But is it safe to give babies finger foods during BLW? In this article, we will explore the safety of giving babies finger foods during BLW, and discuss the potential risks and benefits. We will also look at some tips for introducing finger foods safely and successfully. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of the safety of giving babies finger foods during BLW.

Definition of baby led weaning

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is an approach to introducing solid foods to babies that encourages them to feed themselves. This approach is based on the idea that babies are capable of self-feeding and that they should be allowed to explore and experiment with different types of food. Instead of relying on purees or spoon-feeding, BLW encourages parents to provide their babies with finger foods that they can pick up and feed themselves. This approach allows babies to explore different textures and flavours, and to develop their motor skills and independence. It also encourages parents to trust their babies to make their own decisions about what and how much to eat. BLW is a great way to introduce solids to babies, as it allows them to explore and learn about food in a safe and fun way.

Benefits of baby led weaning

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is a method of introducing solid foods to babies that allows them to explore and learn about food at their own pace. It is based on the idea that babies are capable of feeding themselves and that they should be allowed to do so. This approach to introducing solids has many benefits for both the baby and the parents.

One of the main benefits of BLW is that it encourages healthy eating habits. By allowing babies to explore different textures and flavours, they are more likely to develop a taste for a variety of foods. This can help to prevent picky eating in the future. Additionally, BLW can help babies learn to self-regulate their food intake, as they are in control of how much they eat.

Another benefit of BLW is that it can help to foster a positive relationship between parents and babies. By allowing babies to feed themselves, parents are able to spend quality time with their baby while also encouraging them to explore and learn. This can help to create a strong bond between the parent and baby, as well as helping to build the baby’s confidence.

Overall, Baby Led Weaning is a great way to introduce solid foods to babies. It encourages healthy eating habits, helps babies learn to self-regulate their food intake, and can help to foster a positive relationship between parents and babies.

Safety concerns with finger foods

Finger foods can be a great way to introduce your baby to new flavors and textures, but there are some safety concerns to be aware of when giving your baby finger foods during Baby Led Weaning. The most important safety concern is choking. Babies are still learning how to chew and swallow, so it is important to choose foods that are soft and cut into small pieces. Avoid giving your baby hard, round, or sticky foods, such as nuts, popcorn, or grapes. It is also important to make sure that your baby is sitting upright and supervised while eating.

Another safety concern to consider is food allergies. If your baby has a family history of food allergies, it is important to introduce new foods one at a time and watch for signs of an allergic reaction. If your baby does have a reaction, stop giving them the food and contact your doctor.

Finally, it is important to make sure that the finger foods you give your baby are age-appropriate. Babies should not be given foods that are too hard, too big, or too spicy. Make sure to cut foods into small pieces and avoid adding any salt or sugar.

Types of finger foods to try

When it comes to Baby Led Weaning, finger foods are a great way to introduce your baby to the world of solid foods. Finger foods are small, bite-sized pieces of food that your baby can pick up and eat with their hands. They’re usually soft enough for your baby to chew and swallow without needing to be mashed or pureed.

Finger foods can be a great way to get your baby interested in trying new foods and textures. Some of the best finger foods to try include soft fruits and vegetables such as banana slices, steamed carrots, and cooked sweet potato. You can also offer cooked grains such as quinoa, couscous, and oatmeal. Soft cooked meats such as chicken, turkey, and fish are also great finger foods to try. Be sure to cut these into small pieces and avoid any sharp edges.

Finally, you can also offer your baby some finger foods that are higher in fat and protein such as cheese, yogurt, and boiled eggs. These can help to provide your baby with the nutrition they need to grow and develop. Be sure to cut these into small pieces and avoid any sharp edges.

Tips for introducing finger foods

Introducing finger foods is an important part of Baby Led Weaning. Finger foods are small pieces of food that your baby can hold and eat on their own. Finger foods are a great way to help your baby learn to feed themselves and explore new tastes and textures.

When introducing finger foods, it is important to keep safety in mind. Choose foods that are soft and easy to chew, such as cooked vegetables, mashed banana, and soft fruits. Avoid hard or sticky foods that could be a choking hazard. Cut food into small pieces that are no bigger than the size of your baby’s fist. Make sure to supervise your baby while they are eating and watch for signs of choking.

It is also important to be patient and let your baby explore the food at their own pace. Offer a variety of foods and let your baby decide what to eat and how much. Finger foods can be a fun and exciting way for your baby to learn about food and develop their independence.


Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is a great way to introduce your baby to solid foods. It allows them to explore different textures and flavors, and can help them develop their motor skills. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with giving your baby finger foods during BLW. While finger foods can be a great way to introduce your baby to different flavors and textures, they can also be a choking hazard. It is important to ensure that the foods you give your baby are soft, cut into small pieces, and can be easily mashed with their gums. Additionally, always supervise your baby while they are eating and be prepared to intervene if needed.

Overall, finger foods can be a great way to introduce your baby to solid foods during BLW. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with giving your baby finger foods and to take the necessary precautions to ensure their safety. With the right precautions, you can safely introduce your baby to finger foods and help them explore different flavors and textures.


Yes, it is absolutely okay to give your baby finger foods during Baby Led Weaning! It is important to remember that your baby is in control of how much they eat, and that finger foods should be soft and easy to chew. With the right guidance and supervision, Baby Led Weaning can be a safe and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby. So go ahead and give your baby the opportunity to explore new flavors and textures with finger foods, and watch them grow and develop as they learn to feed themselves!