How does Baby Led Weaning differ from traditional weaning methods?

By Sarah Keim | Published on 2022-03-14

Are you a new parent looking for the best way to introduce your baby to solid foods? If so, you may have heard of Baby Led Weaning (BLW). But what is Baby Led Weaning and how does it differ from traditional weaning methods? In this article, we will explore the differences between Baby Led Weaning and traditional weaning methods, so you can make an informed decision about which approach is right for your family.

A photo of a baby holding a piece of soft, peeled banana in their hand, with a spoon and bowl of mashed food in the background. The image illustrates the difference between traditional weaning methods and Baby Led Weaning, which encourages babies


Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is a method of introducing solid foods to babies that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is an alternative to traditional weaning methods, which involve spoon-feeding pureed foods to babies. With Baby Led Weaning, babies are given the opportunity to feed themselves solid finger foods, such as pieces of cooked vegetables, fruits, and soft meats. This method of weaning is based on the idea that babies should be allowed to explore different tastes and textures at their own pace, and that they should be encouraged to feed themselves.

The main difference between Baby Led Weaning and traditional weaning methods is that with BLW, babies are in control of what they eat and how much they eat. This means that parents are not spoon-feeding pureed foods, but rather allowing babies to explore different foods and decide what and how much they would like to eat. This can help babies to develop their hand-eye coordination, as well as their chewing and swallowing skills. Additionally, it can help to reduce the risk of choking, as babies are able to control the size of the pieces they are eating.

Baby Led Weaning also encourages babies to develop a healthy relationship with food, as they are able to explore different tastes and textures without being pressured to eat a certain amount. This can help to prevent picky eating habits from developing, as babies are exposed to a variety of foods from an early age. Additionally, it can help to reduce the stress of meal times, as parents are not trying to spoon-feed their babies, but rather allowing them to explore different foods at their own pace.

Definition of baby led weaning

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is an alternative to traditional weaning methods and is becoming increasingly popular among parents. It is a method of introducing solid food to babies that allows them to feed themselves from the very beginning. Instead of spoon-feeding purees, parents offer their babies age-appropriate, soft finger foods that they can pick up and eat on their own. This approach encourages babies to explore different tastes and textures, and to develop their own feeding skills.

BLW is based on the idea that babies are capable of self-feeding from an early age and that they should be allowed to do so. It encourages babies to explore different foods and to learn about them through their senses. This approach also helps babies to develop their fine motor skills, as they learn to pick up and hold food. It also promotes healthy eating habits, as babies learn to recognize when they are full and to stop eating.

BLW is a great way to introduce your baby to solid foods, as it encourages them to explore and learn about food in a safe and enjoyable way. It is important to remember that BLW is not a strict approach and that parents should always be mindful of their baby’s needs and abilities. It is also important to ensure that the foods offered are appropriate for their age and stage of development.

Definition of traditional weaning methods

Traditional weaning methods involve introducing babies to solid foods at around 6 months of age. This is typically done by spoon-feeding pureed foods such as vegetables, fruits, and grains. Parents are encouraged to start with single-ingredient foods and gradually introduce more complex combinations. This method of weaning is often referred to as 'spoon-feeding' or 'puree-led weaning'.

Traditional weaning methods focus on introducing babies to a variety of tastes, textures, and food groups. Parents are encouraged to offer a variety of foods and to gradually increase the amount of food given. This method of weaning is often referred to as 'controlled feeding' or 'traditional weaning'.

Traditional weaning methods are based on the premise that babies are not developmentally ready to feed themselves until they are at least 12 months old. As such, parents are encouraged to continue spoon-feeding pureed foods until the baby is able to feed themselves. This method of weaning is often referred to as 'parent-led weaning'.

Benefits of baby led weaning

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is a method of introducing solid foods to babies that is becoming increasingly popular. This method is based on the idea that babies should be allowed to feed themselves, rather than being spoon-fed pureed foods. This approach has many benefits for both babies and parents.

Firstly, BLW encourages babies to explore different textures and tastes, which can help them to develop a healthy relationship with food. This is because babies are able to explore and experiment with different foods, rather than being spoon-fed pureed foods. This can help them to develop a more varied diet and to become more adventurous eaters.

Secondly, BLW encourages babies to develop their fine motor skills. By allowing babies to feed themselves, they are able to practice their hand-eye coordination and develop their pincer grip. This is important for babies as it helps them to become more independent and to develop their self-feeding skills.

Finally, BLW can help to reduce stress for parents. This is because parents do not need to worry about preparing and pureeing food, as babies can feed themselves. This can help to reduce the stress of meal times, as parents can relax and enjoy the experience of watching their baby explore new foods.

Disadvantages of baby led weaning

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is an increasingly popular method of introducing solid foods to babies, but it does have its drawbacks. One of the main disadvantages of BLW is that it can be messy. As babies are encouraged to feed themselves, they often end up with food all over their faces, hands and clothes. This can be difficult to manage, especially if you are out and about.

Another disadvantage of BLW is that it can be difficult to ensure that babies are getting the right nutrients. As babies are in control of what they eat, parents may find it difficult to ensure that their baby is getting a balanced diet. It is important to make sure that babies are getting enough iron and other essential vitamins and minerals.

Finally, BLW can be time consuming. As babies are in control of what they eat, parents may find themselves having to prepare a variety of different foods in order to ensure that their baby is getting a balanced diet. This can be time consuming and can be difficult to manage if parents are short on time.

Benefits of traditional weaning methods

Traditional weaning methods have been used for centuries and are still popular today. They involve introducing solid foods to a baby gradually, starting with pureed foods and gradually introducing more solid foods as the baby grows. This method of weaning is beneficial in that it allows parents to control the amount and type of food their baby is eating, as well as the pace at which they introduce new foods. This can be especially helpful for parents who are concerned about allergies, as they can introduce new foods one at a time and watch for any reactions.

Another benefit of traditional weaning methods is that it allows parents to introduce a variety of flavors and textures to their baby. This can help to develop a healthy relationship with food and encourage a varied diet in the future. Additionally, traditional weaning methods can help to develop a baby’s chewing and swallowing skills, which are important for healthy eating habits.

Finally, traditional weaning methods can be beneficial for parents who are concerned about their baby’s nutrition. Pureed foods can be fortified with vitamins and minerals, and parents can be sure that their baby is getting the nutrients they need. This can be especially helpful for babies who are not eating a wide variety of foods yet.

Disadvantages of traditional weaning methods

Traditional weaning methods involve introducing pureed or mashed foods to a baby's diet, usually starting at around 4-6 months of age. While this approach has been used for generations, there are some potential drawbacks.

Firstly, traditional weaning methods can be time consuming and labor intensive. Preparing purees and mashes can be time consuming and require a lot of effort. This can be especially difficult for busy parents who don't have the time or resources to make their own baby food.

Secondly, traditional weaning methods can limit a baby's exposure to different tastes and textures. Purees and mashes are often quite bland and can be difficult for a baby to transition to more solid foods. This can lead to a baby being less adventurous with their food choices and having a more limited diet.

Finally, traditional weaning methods can make it difficult for a baby to learn how to feed themselves. Babies are not able to practice self-feeding skills when they are being spoon fed purees and mashes. This can lead to a baby being less confident and independent when it comes to feeding themselves.

Comparison between the two methods

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is a relatively new approach to introducing solid foods to babies. It is an alternative to traditional weaning methods, which involve spoon-feeding pureed foods to babies. BLW encourages babies to feed themselves, allowing them to explore different textures and flavours and to develop their own eating habits.

Unlike traditional weaning methods, BLW does not involve pureed foods. Instead, babies are offered pieces of soft, cooked food that they can hold and chew. This helps babies to learn to chew and swallow, and to develop their hand-eye coordination. It also encourages them to explore different flavours and textures, and to develop their own preferences.

BLW also differs from traditional weaning methods in that it is less time-consuming. Parents don't need to spend time preparing purees, and babies can feed themselves with minimal assistance. This can help to reduce mealtime stress and to make mealtimes more enjoyable for both parents and babies.


Baby Led Weaning is an innovative approach to introducing solid foods to infants that is gaining popularity among parents. It is a method that encourages babies to feed themselves, rather than relying on parents to spoon-feed them. This approach has many benefits, including allowing babies to develop their own skills and preferences, encouraging healthy eating habits, and providing a more enjoyable experience for both parents and babies. However, it is important to remember that Baby Led Weaning is not suitable for all babies, and parents should always consult with their pediatrician before introducing solid foods.

Overall, Baby Led Weaning is an exciting and beneficial approach to introducing solid foods to infants. It allows babies to explore and experiment with different foods, encourages healthy eating habits, and provides a more enjoyable experience for both parents and babies. While it is not suitable for all babies, it is an approach that is worth considering for those who are looking for a more natural and enjoyable way to introduce solid foods to their babies.


Baby Led Weaning is an innovative and exciting way to introduce solid foods to your baby. It offers a more natural approach to weaning, and encourages your baby to explore and experiment with different tastes and textures. It also allows your baby to develop their own feeding skills, while still giving you the opportunity to provide nutritious meals. With the right guidance and support, Baby Led Weaning can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby.