How do I know if my baby is ready for Baby Led Weaning?

By | Published on 2022-11-28

Are you considering introducing your baby to solid foods? Have you heard about the Baby Led Weaning approach and are wondering if it's right for your little one? Baby Led Weaning is an increasingly popular way to introduce solid foods to babies, but it's important to make sure your baby is ready before you start. In this article, we'll discuss the signs that your baby is ready to begin Baby Led Weaning and provide tips on how to get started. So, if you're wondering if your baby is ready for Baby Led Weaning, read on to find out!

An image of a baby sitting in a high chair, holding a piece of food in their hands, with a happy expression on their face. The caption could read: "Ready for Baby Led Weaning? Look for signs your baby is ready

Signs of readiness

When it comes to determining if your baby is ready for Baby Led Weaning (BLW), there are several signs that can help you decide. Firstly, your baby should be able to sit up with minimal support and have good head and neck control. This will ensure that your baby is able to hold their own food and bring it to their mouth. Secondly, your baby should be able to pick up food with their hands and bring it to their mouth. This is an important skill for BLW as it allows your baby to explore different textures and flavours. Lastly, your baby should be interested in what you are eating. If your baby is reaching out for your food and attempting to grab it, this is a good indication that they are ready to start BLW.

It is also important to remember that all babies develop at different rates, so it is important to watch for signs of readiness in your own baby. If your baby is showing any of the signs mentioned above, then they may be ready to start BLW. However, if your baby is not showing any of these signs, then it may be best to wait a few more weeks before introducing BLW. It is also important to remember that BLW is not a race and it is important to take your time and let your baby lead the way.

Physical development

When it comes to Baby Led Weaning, physical development is a key factor in determining whether your baby is ready to start. Generally, babies should be able to sit up unassisted and have good head and neck control before beginning Baby Led Weaning. This is because they need to be able to hold their head up to be able to reach for food and bring it to their mouth. They also need to be able to sit up to be able to access food from the plate.

In addition to being able to sit up, babies should also be able to pick up food with their fingers. This is an important skill for Baby Led Weaning as it allows them to pick up food from their plate and bring it to their mouth. Babies should also be able to move food around in their mouth and swallow it. This is important for them to be able to eat solid foods safely.

Finally, babies should have good hand-eye coordination. This is important for them to be able to pick up food from their plate and bring it to their mouth. It also helps them to be able to manipulate food in their mouth and swallow it. Good hand-eye coordination is also important for babies to be able to explore different textures and tastes.

Developmental milestones

When it comes to Baby Led Weaning, it is important to make sure your baby is developmentally ready before beginning. There are certain milestones that your baby should have reached before starting Baby Led Weaning.

First, your baby should have good head and neck control. This is important because it will help them to sit upright and be able to reach for food. They should also be able to grab and hold onto objects with their hands. This will help them to pick up food and bring it to their mouths.

Your baby should also be able to move food from one side of their mouth to the other. This is important because it will help them to chew and swallow their food. Additionally, your baby should be able to sit upright with minimal support. This will help them to eat independently and safely.

Finally, your baby should be interested in food and reaching for it. This is a sign that they are ready to explore and learn about food. It is important to note that all babies develop at different rates, so it is important to watch your baby’s cues and progress before starting Baby Led Weaning.

Baby's interest in food

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is an approach to introducing solid foods to your baby that allows them to explore and learn about food through their own interests. It is based on the idea that babies are ready to start exploring food when they show an interest in it. This interest usually begins around 6 months of age, when babies start to show signs of being interested in what their parents are eating.

Babies will often reach out for food, try to grab it, and put it in their mouths. They may also watch you eat and try to imitate you. These are all signs that your baby is ready to start exploring food. It is important to remember that all babies are different and may show different levels of interest in food at different times.

Another sign that your baby is ready to start exploring food is when they can sit up independently and have good head and neck control. This is important for safety, as it allows them to be able to reach for food and bring it to their mouths without choking. It also allows them to be able to explore different textures and tastes without the risk of choking.

Ability to sit up independently

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is a great way to introduce solid foods to your baby. One of the key indicators that your baby is ready for BLW is their ability to sit up independently. Sitting up independently means that your baby can sit up without any support from you or any other object. This is important because it allows your baby to be able to reach out and grab food that is placed in front of them.

When your baby is able to sit up independently, they are also able to control their head and neck movements better. This is important for BLW because it allows them to be able to turn their head away from food that they don’t want to eat or that they are not ready for yet. It also allows them to be able to pick up food and bring it to their mouth.

It is important to note that sitting up independently does not mean that your baby is ready for BLW. It is just one of the indicators that your baby may be ready. Other indicators include being able to pick up food and bring it to their mouth, being able to chew food, and being able to swallow food. If your baby is not able to do these things, then they may not be ready for BLW yet.

Coordination and control over their hands and arms

When it comes to baby led weaning, coordination and control over their hands and arms is key. Babies need to be able to pick up food and bring it to their mouths in order to successfully eat. This means that they need to have the ability to coordinate their hands and arms in order to do this.

In order to determine if your baby is ready for baby led weaning, look for signs that they have developed the coordination and control over their hands and arms. These signs can include being able to hold their head up, reaching for objects, and being able to grab and hold onto objects with their hands. If your baby is able to do these things, then they are likely ready for baby led weaning.

It is also important to note that babies develop at different rates, so your baby may be ready for baby led weaning before or after other babies. If you are unsure, it is best to consult your pediatrician for advice. With the right coordination and control over their hands and arms, babies can be successful with baby led weaning.

Signs of hunger

Baby Led Weaning is an exciting and rewarding way to introduce solid foods to your baby. It is important to know when your baby is ready to start this process. One of the best ways to tell if your baby is ready for Baby Led Weaning is to look for signs of hunger.

Babies will show signs of hunger when they are ready to eat. These signs can include reaching for food, opening their mouth when food is presented, and making chewing motions. Other signs of hunger include smacking their lips, putting their hands or objects in their mouth, and making noises such as grunting or cooing. Babies may also become more alert and active when they are hungry.

It is important to pay attention to your baby’s cues and watch for signs of hunger. If your baby is showing signs of hunger, it is a good indication that they are ready to start Baby Led Weaning. It is also important to remember that babies may not be ready to start Baby Led Weaning until they are at least 6 months old. If your baby is younger than 6 months, it is best to wait until they are older before introducing solid foods.

Signs of fullness

When it comes to baby led weaning, one of the most important things to consider is whether or not your baby is ready for it. Knowing the signs of fullness is key to helping you determine if your baby is ready.

One of the most common signs of fullness is when your baby turns away from the food or stops eating. This is a sign that your baby is no longer hungry and has had enough. Another sign is when your baby starts to play with the food or push it away. This is a sign that your baby is done eating and is ready to move on to something else.

Finally, you can also look for signs of satiety, such as your baby rubbing their tummy or putting their hands over their mouth. These are signs that your baby is full and has had enough to eat. It is important to pay attention to these signs and stop feeding your baby when they show them. This will help ensure that your baby is getting the right amount of food and is not overeating.

Ability to move food from hand to mouth

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is an approach to introducing solid foods to babies that allows them to feed themselves. This method of weaning is based on the idea that babies are capable of feeding themselves from the very beginning and that they should be allowed to explore and learn about food in a safe and supervised environment.

One of the key skills that babies need to be able to do in order to successfully practice BLW is to be able to move food from their hands to their mouths. This is an important skill that needs to be developed in order for babies to be able to feed themselves. Babies will typically start to develop this skill around 6 months of age, but it can take some time for them to master it.

Parents can help to encourage their babies to develop this skill by offering them soft finger foods that are easy to pick up and chew. It is important to remember that babies will need to be supervised while they are learning to move food from their hands to their mouths, as they may choke on certain foods if they are not ready for them. It is also important to remember that every baby develops at their own pace, so it is important to be patient and allow your baby to take their time as they learn this new skill.


Baby Led Weaning is an amazing way to introduce your baby to solid foods and help them develop healthy eating habits. It is important to make sure that your baby is ready for this type of feeding before you start. By looking for signs of readiness such as being able to sit up unassisted, having lost the tongue thrust reflex, and showing an interest in food, you can be sure that your baby is ready to start Baby Led Weaning. With patience and practice, you and your baby can enjoy the journey of Baby Led Weaning together!