Can I combine breastfeeding and Baby Led Weaning together?

By | Published on 2022-12-23

Introducing Baby Led Weaning (BLW) to your baby can be an exciting and rewarding experience. But what if you're already breastfeeding? Can you combine breastfeeding and BLW together? The answer is yes! In this article, we'll explore the benefits of combining breastfeeding and BLW, and how you can make the transition as smooth as possible for both you and your baby. So, if you're looking for a way to make your baby's weaning journey a little easier, read on!

An image of a happy mother breastfeeding her baby while the baby is reaching for a piece of food on a plate. The image conveys the message that breastfeeding and baby led weaning can be combined together.


Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and beneficial ways to feed a baby. It provides essential nutrients, antibodies, and hormones that are important for a baby’s growth and development. Breast milk is easily digested, and it helps to protect babies from illnesses and allergies. It is also a great way to bond with your baby and can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Breastfeeding can be done anywhere, anytime, and it is free. It is also convenient, as it requires no preparation or clean-up. Breastfeeding can be tailored to the needs of both mother and baby, and it can be done on demand.

Breastfeeding is not without its challenges, however. It can be difficult to establish a good latch, and some mothers may experience sore nipples or low milk supply. It is important to get the right support and advice to ensure that breastfeeding is successful.

Baby led weaning

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) is an approach to introducing solid foods to babies that emphasizes self-feeding and the development of healthy eating habits. It is based on the belief that babies should be allowed to explore and experiment with different foods, textures, and flavors, and that parents should follow their baby’s cues when it comes to introducing solids. This approach is in contrast to traditional spoon-feeding, where parents control the amount and type of food that their baby eats.

BLW encourages babies to explore different tastes and textures, and to learn to feed themselves. This approach can help babies develop their fine motor skills, as well as their ability to chew and swallow. It also helps to foster a positive relationship with food, as babies are allowed to explore and experiment with different foods without pressure or judgement. Additionally, BLW can help to reduce the risk of choking, as babies are able to control the size of the food pieces they put in their mouths.

Finally, BLW can be combined with breastfeeding to provide a balanced diet for babies. Breast milk is still the best source of nutrition for babies, but introducing solids through BLW can help to provide additional nutrients and help to ensure that babies are getting a variety of foods. This approach can also help to reduce the risk of food allergies, as babies are exposed to a variety of foods from an early age.

Benefits of combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning

Combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning can be a great way to provide your baby with the nutrition and development they need, while also allowing them to explore and learn about food. Breastfeeding provides your baby with the essential nutrients they need to grow and develop, while baby led weaning encourages them to explore different textures and tastes, and learn to feed themselves.

When you combine breastfeeding and baby led weaning, you can offer your baby the best of both worlds. Breastfeeding provides your baby with the nutrition they need, while baby led weaning encourages them to explore different foods and learn to feed themselves. This combination can help your baby to develop healthy eating habits and a positive relationship with food.

Combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning also allows you to tailor your baby’s diet to their individual needs. You can offer them breastmilk for the majority of their nutrition, while also introducing them to solid foods that provide additional nutrients and help them to learn to feed themselves. This can help to ensure that your baby is getting all the nutrition they need, while also allowing them to explore different tastes and textures.

Challenges of combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning

Combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning can be a challenge for many parents. Breastfeeding is a great way to provide nutrition to your baby, but it can be difficult to ensure that your baby is getting enough solid food when you are also breastfeeding. Baby led weaning is a great way to introduce solid foods to your baby, but it can be difficult to ensure that your baby is getting enough nutrition from the solid foods when you are also breastfeeding.

Another challenge of combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning is that it can be difficult to know when to introduce solid foods. Breastfeeding provides all the nutrition your baby needs for the first six months of life, and it is important to wait until your baby is developmentally ready to start solids. Baby led weaning is a great way to introduce solids, but it is important to make sure that your baby is ready for solid foods before introducing them.

Finally, combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning can be a challenge because it can be difficult to know how much solid food your baby needs. Breastfeeding is a great way to provide nutrition to your baby, but it is important to make sure that your baby is getting enough solid food as well. Baby led weaning is a great way to introduce solid foods to your baby, but it can be difficult to know how much solid food your baby needs. It is important to talk to your healthcare provider to determine how much solid food your baby needs.

Tips for successfully combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning

Breastfeeding and baby led weaning can be successfully combined to provide a balanced and healthy diet for your baby. Here are some tips to help you make the most of both approaches:

Firstly, it is important to remember that breastfeeding should always be the primary source of nutrition for your baby. Breastmilk is the perfect food for your baby and provides all the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. When introducing solid foods, you can supplement breastfeeding with baby led weaning to provide additional nutrition and variety.

Secondly, it is important to ensure that your baby is getting enough breastmilk. If your baby is not getting enough breastmilk, then it is important to increase your breastfeeding frequency and/or supplement with formula. Once your baby is getting enough breastmilk, then you can start introducing solid foods.

Finally, it is important to ensure that your baby is getting enough variety in their diet. Breastmilk alone does not provide all the nutrients that your baby needs. By combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning, you can ensure that your baby is getting a balanced diet with a variety of foods. Offer your baby a variety of healthy foods and let them explore and enjoy them.

Diet considerations when combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning

When combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning, it is important to consider the nutritional needs of your baby. Breast milk is the ideal source of nutrition for babies and provides essential vitamins and minerals that are important for their growth and development. However, as your baby grows and begins to explore solid foods, it is important to ensure that they are getting a balanced diet with a variety of foods.

When introducing solid foods, it is important to ensure that your baby is getting enough iron and zinc, as these are essential for their growth and development. Iron-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and fortified cereals should be included in your baby’s diet. Zinc-rich foods such as dairy products, nuts, and legumes should also be included. Additionally, it is important to ensure that your baby is getting enough vitamin D, which can be found in fortified dairy products and fatty fish.

It is also important to ensure that your baby is getting enough calories and fluids. Breast milk is still the main source of nutrition for your baby, but solid foods can provide additional calories and fluids. Offer your baby a variety of foods and ensure that they are getting enough fluids throughout the day. If you are concerned about your baby’s nutrition, it is important to speak to your healthcare provider.

Potential risks of combining breastfeeding and baby led weaning

Combining breastfeeding and Baby Led Weaning (BLW) can be a great way to provide your baby with the nutrition they need while also allowing them to explore and learn about food. However, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with combining the two.

Firstly, it is important to be aware that when breastfeeding and BLW are combined, it can be difficult to ensure that your baby is getting enough nutrition. Breastmilk is a complete source of nutrition for babies, but when combined with BLW, it is important to ensure that your baby is getting enough of the nutrients they need from their solid foods. This can be difficult to monitor, as babies may not always eat enough solid food to meet their nutritional needs.

Secondly, combining breastfeeding and BLW can also increase the risk of choking. When babies are breastfeeding, they are in a reclined position, which makes it easier for them to swallow. However, when they are eating solid foods, they are in an upright position, which can make it more difficult for them to swallow. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of choking when combining breastfeeding and BLW.

Finally, it is important to be aware that combining breastfeeding and BLW can also lead to overfeeding. When babies are breastfeeding, it is easier for them to regulate their intake, as they will naturally stop when they are full. However, when they are eating solid foods, it can be more difficult for them to regulate their intake, as they may not be able to recognise when they are full. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of overfeeding when combining breastfeeding and BLW.


Yes, you can combine breastfeeding and Baby Led Weaning together! It is a great way to introduce your baby to solid foods while still providing them with the nutrition and comfort of breastfeeding. With a little bit of preparation and patience, you can make the transition to solid foods a positive and enjoyable experience for both you and your baby. So go ahead and give it a try – you won’t regret it!